Attorneys Richard Smith and Scott Beckey have over 50 years of combined legal experience and continue to serve their clients with professionalism, compassion, and respect. Attorney Richard Smith explains our Settlement Policy in further detail in the video above.
When it comes to large settlement numbers, they often don’t reflect the full injury or damage that has been caused to human beings to be awarded such amounts. With that in mind, we are always hesitant to share these numbers but do so to show we have handled serious cases that have helped our clients receive the treatment and help they need.
Client suffered serious injuries and multiple surgeries. Industrial accident in South Carolina. Case was denied and litigated until a settlement was reached a few days prior to the start of trial.
Wrongful death case in South Carolina. Client was killed as a result of a one car accident. We discovered an additional insurance policy and obtained the policy limits of 1 million dollars from an additional defendant unknown to the family prior to being represented.
North Carolina accident case involving a tree falling on the client while she was traveling down the road. Client suffered significant injuries but had improved prior to trial. Case settled at mediation after four defendant’s were sued. Case was denied but we obtained a tree expert who indicated that the county was negligent in failing to remove the tree when installing a water line.
North Carolina worker’s comp case in which a South Carolina lawyer associated us. The claimant suffered serious injuries but was able to return to his previous job with the same employer.
South Carolina worker’s comp claim fully denied. County claimed the claimant was an independent contractor and not an employee. Case was settled prior to a hearing for full value and the claimant returned to work although he suffered significant injuries.
Never Settle For Less. Contact Us To Recover Your Maximum Settlement.
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