Preventing Fatal Auto Accidents
According to the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHSTA), “In 2018 alone, 2,841 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers.” Many distracted driving fatalities can easily be avoided. However, they remain common and can be detrimental to those involved. What are some of the leading causes of distracted driving accidents, and how […]
Driving Saftey Tips for SC Drivers
Most people are mindful of staying safe while on the road. However, there may be some hazardous conditions that many drivers encounter and do not know how to handle well. Here are 5 tips from the South Carolina Department of Public Safety about what to be aware of while driving and how to stay safe […]
3 Ways for Truck Drivers to Maintain Road Safety & Avoid Collisions
As a commercial truck driver, your primary goal is to travel from one location to another safely and efficiently. But with the number of semi-truck related collisions and fatalities rising, drivers must be sure to take extra precautions while operating large vehicles. Although the majority of truck collisions are caused by non-commercial vehicles, there are […]
Are You Too Tired to Drive? Warning Signs of Drowsy Driving
There are many reasons why you might be tired while driving. Everything from medications to late nights to young children can affect your ability to be alert and attentive on the road. But drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. Even falling asleep for just 4-5 seconds (called “microsleep”) is enough time […]
3 Risks of Drowsy Drivers
Maybe you stayed up too late last night. Maybe you have kids that make sleep seem like an elusive luxury. Maybe you have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea or insomnia. Or maybe you just finished a long shift at work or a full day at the beach. In each of these cases and more, […]
Key Differences Between 18-Wheeler and Car Collisions
Many people may think that a case involving a collision with an 18-wheeler or commercial motor vehicle (CMV) is not much different than a collision involving other large vehicles. However, there are several factors that make a collision with an 18-wheeler more complex than most other road crashes. 1. Size and impact The most obvious […]
How to Prevent a Car Crash
This last year, South Carolina’s roads witnessed 408 fatal car crashes. Drunk and distracted drivers caused a significant number of these crashes. Every year, distractions cause 1 in every 5 collisions where somebody is injured. Every year, crashes injure around 3 million people in the US. Crashes happen everywhere. So how do you prevent them? […]
3 Ways to be a Proactive Driver
When you were first learning how to drive, your parent or instructor probably drilled you on how to be a “defensive” driver. But, as we’ve established with the difference between the terms “accident” and “collision,” the words we use affect how we think about a topic. In that case, is “defensive” driving the term we […]
Is Your Car Wreck an “Accident” or a “Collision”?
Good communication requires being mindful of the words we use. In a legal setting, word choice is critical, whether written or spoken. For instance, when talking about an auto collision, many people refer to the event as an “accident.” The word “accident” refers to intent. And though it is true that very few auto wrecks […]
3 Tips for Taking Photos After a Collision
You’ve just experienced an auto collision and your thoughts are swirling. What’s next? What should you do? My key piece of advice: Take photos of the collision to preserve visual proof for insurance and legal purposes. Here are three tips for preserving evidence. 1. Take photos before vehicles are moved or debris is cleaned up. […]
Car Accident Checklist
The moments immediately after a collision can be incredibly disorienting. However, the actions you take in the first several minutes after an accident can be crucial. Having a post-accident checklist in mind can help you take the right steps and avoid mistakes. 1. Remain calm. An accident can be overwhelming, but it is important to […]
Anticipating a Car Accident
Nobody plans to be involved in a motor collision, but the unfortunate reality is that most people will experience one at some point in their lives. Be prepared at all times by following these steps: 1. Purchase collision insurance. If your vehicle were totaled today, would you be able to afford to purchase a replacement? […]