Preventing Fatal Auto Accidents

According to the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHSTA), “In 2018 alone, 2,841 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers.” Many distracted driving fatalities can easily be avoided. However, they remain common and can be detrimental to those involved. What are some of the leading causes of distracted driving accidents, and how […]
Top 5 Reasons You May Be Denied Social Security Disability

According to Disability Benefits Help, around 70% of all social security disability claims are denied when first evaluated. Why do so many claims get denied? With only an initial success rate of 30%, how can you avoid falling into the negative percentile? Disability Benefits Help provides 5 main reasons that Social Security Disability Claims are […]
How to Pursue a Workers’ Compensation Claim

If you are injured while on the job and are looking to get workers’ compensation, it may prove to be more challenging than expected. Many employers will avoid granting compensation, especially if the injured party lacks sufficient evidence. You may have a greater chance of having your injury recognized and qualify for compensation when you […]
8 Tips for Motorcycle Safety

According to the National Highway Safety & Transportation Administration, “There are over 4 million motorcycles registered in the United States. Motorcycle fatalities represent approximately 5% of all highway fatalities each year.” When sharing the road with large, fast, powerful automobiles, motorcycle drivers have a disadvantage when it comes to staying safe and avoiding a collision. […]
How to Keep Mistakes in Your Medical Records from Damaging Your Case

If you’re pursuing a personal injury case, your medical records–both past and present–play a critical role in the success of your case. Although you can’t correct mistakes in your past medical records, there are ways to prevent mistakes in your medical records following an injury or disability. 1. Specify the cause of injury. When you […]
How Can You Prove Lost Wages if You’re Self-Employed?

Aside from being illegal, underreporting your income can be financially devastating to you if you’re injured in a car wreck. 1. If you become disabled, you will not be insured for Social Security Disability benefits. 2. Your Social Security retirement benefits will be reduced or eliminated. 3. You won’t be able to prove your lost […]
3 Tips for Getting Disability Claims Approved

About 60% of Social Security Disability initial claim applications get denied. Such a startling number may make you feel like giving up before you get started. But before you give up altogether, here are three steps you can take to improve your chances of Social Security Disability claim approval. 1. Gather the right documentation. The […]
Driving Saftey Tips for SC Drivers

Most people are mindful of staying safe while on the road. However, there may be some hazardous conditions that many drivers encounter and do not know how to handle well. Here are 5 tips from the South Carolina Department of Public Safety about what to be aware of while driving and how to stay safe […]
Top 10 Most Common OSHA Violations

Unsafe work conditions may be present in almost any type of workplace. Companies are required by OSHA to maintain safe working practices. However, there are often many violations that go overlooked by management that could cause serious injury to employees. Therefore, it is the duty of the worker to report any unsafe work conditions they […]
How to Identify and Report OSHA Violations Within the Workplace

In any work environment, it is crucial to your health and well-being to feel safe in your workplace. Sometimes, however, a workplace may seem safer than it really is. Over 14 workers are killed every year and roughly 2,500 employees are injured while working in a seemingly safe environment. In order for employees to protect […]
3 Ways for Truck Drivers to Maintain Road Safety & Avoid Collisions

As a commercial truck driver, your primary goal is to travel from one location to another safely and efficiently. But with the number of semi-truck related collisions and fatalities rising, drivers must be sure to take extra precautions while operating large vehicles. Although the majority of truck collisions are caused by non-commercial vehicles, there are […]
How to Avoid Slip and Fall Injuries

In many workplaces, the floor is the most dangerous area. “Slips, trips, and falls” or “slip and fall” injuries account for almost 30% of all workers’ compensation claims in the US (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016 report). So how can you create a safer work environment for yourself and your coworkers? Here are a few […]